Trial & Error - It Works

As I have indicated, trial and error is one major tool for success. It works, pure and simple.Don't be afraid to try out new ideas or to feature dozens of your most popular products.Find out what sells and what doesn't - continually order new products from your supplier that you feel will become big hits on Ebay.

Do not get into a rut selling the same thing over and over again; you will saturate the market after a few months.The most important use for trial and error on Ebay is to use the regular auctions as a testing ground for your new merchandise to determine its sales percentage and corresponding marketability, as well as its profit margin.

You can then make an educated decision as to whether or not to feature the auction or choose the Dutch option, or both.Impulse selling is much like impulse buying - you regret it soon afterwards.

Don't use the fancy options on Ebay until you first use trial and error on all of your products.

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